A potential public hearing is scheduled for March 25 for two bills I have introduced to support Rangeland Fire Protection Associations (RFPAs):
- House Bill 3349 – Allows the State Forestry Department to assist with transferring state-owned equipment and supplies to RFPAs.
- House Bill 3350 – Provides the funding mechanism for HB 3349.
If you are part of an RFPA or support these efforts, I encourage you to sign up to testify. Please email my office, and we will notify you when the public hearing is posted, along with instructions on how to participate.
I wanted to share Representative Mark Owens February 28th legislative update video and his call for testimony. He says he would love to get some RFPA members to the Capitol to tell your story. “We’ll be trying to coordinate with some of you, but if you want to send us an email that would be great.”