A Rangeland Fire Protection Association


We live in an area that is prone to uncontrolled rangeland fires. Protecting privet rangeland and your improvements from unwanted fire should be a high priority for you.


-You could be part of an origination that is based on the concept of “Neighbors helping Neighbor’s.”

-This origination is a local organization made up of your neighbors.

-This origination of volunteers to prevent and suppress range fires.


Why would you want this?

-Protect your investment – Protect your homes, your barns, your hay & grain crop, and your hunting areas from range fires.

-Get assistance – You would have the opportunity to be part of an organization that gets fire-fighting equipment, grant funding, training in wildland fire-fighting, and technical support at little to no cost to you, the landowner.

-Keep fires small – You could keep the range fires in your area small by having the equipment and an organization that can respond quickly.

Help with prescribed burns – You could utilize the equipment to conduct your rangeland burning operations.

What is a Rangeland Fire Protection Association?

-It is governed and directed by you and the members of our local community.

-It provides services to suppress range fires in our local area.

-It is a voluntary program.

-It is funded by fees recommended by our local Board of Directors and approved by our members and grant funds administered by the Oregon Department of Forestry.

– Equipment is provided through the Federal Excess Personal Property program for the prevention and suppression of rural & wildland fires and prescribed burning.

-Equipment is strategically located by our Board of Directors throughout our area for quick response to fires.

-Training is provided at no cost to the association by the Oregon Department of Forestry and OSU.

Rangeland Fire Protection Association